“The Goring”: Nazi Gore and Goering

Pictured: Nazi leader, Hermann Goering Plath’s journals and calendars reveal that she attended a bullfight in Spain where she witnessed the picador gored by the bull. This of course was the first inspiration for the poem. But Plath had by now become adept in her multiple meanings. In 1956, two important books came out about […]

“Soliloquy of the Solipsist”: Tyranny Talking to Itself

Given her interest in world events, Plath’s “Soliloquy of the Solipsist” appears to be her jab at Communism. This time, the military action was in Poland. In June of 1956, the Poznań Revolt had taken place in Plath’s father’s hometown. Scholar Nancy D. Hargrove dates “Soliloquy of the Solipsist” as having been written on November […]